Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another first

IRX has her first cold, which she caught from CP. It's on its way out but she was having a hard time breathing last night because her nose was stuffed up, therefore I got no sleep. Plus it CP had some meetings and I couldn't bear to think of IRX outside on this rainy, dreary day. So far, she's been a perfect angel, except during my conference calls. She is very opinionated about banner ads. One exciting thing happened today, she rolled over for the first time! CP caught it, but I was running past her and I missed it. She hasn't done it since.

Here's a video I took a few weeks ago. I think we have a soccer player on our hands. Or maybe a drummer. Password is rocket.

IRX Kickin' It from Nina Xoomsai on Vimeo.

Ida just recently had a lovely visit with her Grandmother, Leslie, who was here last week. Ida hopes she comes back to visit soon. Or at least when Ida is allowed to eat cake.

Glorious hair

Glorious face



In the rainforest

Pretty in pink
Living the dream: in her underwear and socks, asleep at the pizza place after being carted all over town in a stroller. As our friend Megan says, get that baby a remote control!


IRX refuses to turn over all the way


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