Wednesday, November 19, 2008

33 Weeks!

Twenty-eight days until full term! That's a little scary. According to one website, the fetus is the heft of a pineapple and according to another, she's the size of a honeydew melon. I remember when she was the size of a poppy seed. Oh, how quickly they grow.

Here's a picture of CP, taken a few weeks ago, at 31 weeks.

This weekend, we had our little baby party at the Red Line Tap. MJ provided some delicious food. Annie baked 70 (!) cupcakes and as promised, she went out and bought Popeye's. All in all a cool event, alot of our favorite people (the ones in Chicago and Milwaukee anyway) in one room.

So now we're in nursery mode. A few weeks ago, we painted. Here's a picture of the painting in progress. With the help of our friend N, we settled on a light orange. It looked yellow at first, which was fine by CP since yellow is her favorite color. It grew on me and now that it's been a couple of weeks, it's getting more orange. And when the sun is shining, the color is amazing.

Last night, we finally got around to putting up the wall decal. It was not the most fun thing in the world. But worth it in the end. I hope it doesn't give her nightmares.

On Friday, our mattress arrives, as well as the changing table (thanks to Irma and Rachel). So look for more nursery post in the next week or so.

1 comment:

Patty said...

coya looks absolutely fabulous!