Monday, October 6, 2008


These shoes are so cute, I want to throw up.

I've been thinking (again) about learning how to sew. Maybe I should learn how to make baby shoes.

We had our first Natural Birthing class yesterday. It's an 8 week class about childbirth and what to expect and strategies to get through it and all that. It was interesting enough, an introduction, things we already know. It took place at this pro-La Leche, pro-cloth diapering "progressive" place and I was surprised (and a little shocked, although I shouldn't be) that even there, how sexism rears its ugly head. They are pretty good about having clothes in a variety of colors, not just pink and blue. But we were looking at the toys and they had these wooden "dress up" puzzle toys and the boy costumes included fireman, policeman, and some other -man type occupation. The girl costumes included a flowered shirt in pink, a flowered shirt in purple, and some Blossom hats. It was sick.

Anyway, class was fine. We were the only same sex couple there, but no one seemed to care. In fact, we were the life of the party. We are going to make america love the gays, one person at a time. Love us enough to help fight for our rights.

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