IRX was born during a snowstorm, and is a little confounded by summer. Heat? Sun? Blue skies?What are these things? We've been having lots of summertime adventures, far (this photo was taken in Vermont) and near.
Today, Ida is 6 months old and continues to be a happy, active baby. Always moving, running in place, kicking, rolling over, always engaged in the world. We've introduced solids, but she's not interested in baby food. That's for babies. Ida wants grown up food.
Last night, we turned our backs for a minute while doing dishes and making dinner and when we turned back, she had opened a box of pizza, grabbed a piece and was stuffing it in her mouth. It had to be pried from her fat greasy fingers. Can't turn your back on this one anymore! She's also a big fan of baguettes, beer bottles, and hot coffee. As in, always grabbing for them. She doesn't actually drink beer or coffee. And she mostly likes to hold bread and lick it.
I've got a ton of photos to post from the past few weeks, and until I do, here's a video of Ida with her friend Asha.